My writing workbook Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success () requires you to write information and answers in various boxes and forms in the book. If you want to preserve your book without marks, however, you can use the pdf forms below (currently, only full-page forms are posted below; none of the partial-page boxes are posted although I list them · Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks is the only reference to combine expert guidance with a step-by-step workbook. Each week, readers learn a feature of strong articles and work on revising theirs accordingly. Every day is mapped out, taking the guesswork and worry out of writing. There are tasks, templates, and reminders/5(49) · Wendy Laura Belcher’s Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success is a revolutionary approach to enabling academic authors to overcome their anxieties and produce the publications that are essential to succeeding in their fields. Each week, readers learn a particular feature of strong articles and work on revising theirs accordingly/5()
Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks Book - Wendy Laura Belcher
Library Science and Publishing: Publishing. Reference and Bibliography. You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores. Outside the USA, see our international sales information. University of Chicago Press: E.
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Giving Offense J. Forbidden Knowledge Hannah Marcus. Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks, Second Edition A Guide to Academic Publishing Success Wendy Laura Belcher. Read the introduction. Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing. No one ever told me this! Scholars know they must publish, but few have been told how to do so.
So Belcher made it her mission to demystify the writing process. The result was Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks, which takes this overwhelming task and breaks it into small, manageable steps. For the past decade, this guide has been the go-to source for those creating articles for peer-reviewed journals.
It has enabled thousands to overcome their anxieties and produce the publications that are essential to succeeding in their fields, writing your journal article in 12 weeks. With this new edition, Belcher expands her advice to reach beginning scholars in even more disciplines.
She builds on feedback from professors and graduate students who have successfully used the workbook to complete their articles.
A new chapter addresses scholars who are writing from scratch, writing your journal article in 12 weeks. This edition also includes more targeted exercises and checklists, as well as the latest research on productivity and scholarly writing. Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks is the only reference to combine expert guidance with a step-by-step workbook. Each week, readers learn a feature of strong articles and work on revising theirs accordingly.
Every day is mapped out, taking the guesswork and worry out of writing. There are tasks, templates, and reminders. At the end of twelve weeks, graduate students, recent PhDs, postdoctoral fellows, adjunct instructors, junior faculty, and international faculty will feel confident they know that the rules of academic publishing and have the tools they need to succeed.
Table of Contents. General instructions Using the print or electronic version. Completing tasks. Following disciplinary tracks and stage pathways. Using the workbook according to your temperament; by yourself; in a writing group; with a writing partner; with coauthors; or to teach a class or workshop. Some publishing terms and processes What is a journal? What is an article? What processes do journal articles go through? Feedback from readers Week 1: Designing Your Plan for Writing Instruction Understanding feelings about writing.
Keys to positive writing experiences: successful academic writers write; read; make writing social; persist despite rejection; and pursue their passions. Your tasks Designing a plan for submitting your article in twelve weeks.
Day 1, reading the workbook. Day 2, designing your writing schedule. Day 3, selecting a paper for revision. Day 4, rereading your paper to identify revision tasks. Day 5, setting up your writing site, citation software, and file backup system; addressing coauthorship; and reading a journal article. Week 2: Advancing Your Argument Instruction Myths about publishable journal articles: being profoundly theoretical, packed with ideas, and entirely original.
What gets published and why: how publishable articles pair evidence and approaches. What gets rejected and why: perfectly acceptable articles and those with no argument. Understanding and making arguments: what is an argument; how do you know whether you have one; how do you make strong arguments; and how do you write an argument-driven article? Your tasks Organizing your article around your argument.
Day 2, testing out your argument. Day 3, reviewing your article for argument. Days 4—5, revising your article around your argument. Week 3: Abstracting Your Article Instruction Abstracts as a tool for success. Ingredients of a good abstract: good SciQua and HumInt abstracts. Your tasks Crafting an effective abstract. Day 1, talking your way to clarity about your article. Day 3, reading strong articles in your field. Day 4, reading articles to cite in your article.
Day 5, getting feedback on and revising your abstract, writing your journal article in 12 weeks. Week 4: Selecting a Journal Instruction Good news writing your journal article in 12 weeks journals. Writing your journal article in 12 weeks importance of picking the right journal. Types of academic journals: nonrecommended, debatable, and preferred publishing outlets.
Your tasks Finding suitable academic journals. Day 2, searching for journals. Days 3—4, evaluating academic journals. Day 5, reading relevant journals and writing query letters. Week 5: Refining Your Works Cited Instruction Reading scholarly texts.
Types of scholarly texts: primary, original, or exhibit sources; scholarly or secondary literature; and derivative or tertiary documents. Advice for scholars at resource-poor institutions. Strategies for getting reading done: reading theoretical literature; related literature; and original, primary, or exhibit literature.
Day 2, evaluating your current Works Cited list. Day 3, identifying and reading any additional works. Day 4, identifying your entry point into the related literature. Day 5, writing or revising your related-literature review. Week 6: Crafting Your Claims for Significance Instruction On the difference between arguments and claims for significance.
Types of feedback: what to do and not do when giving and receiving feedback. Your tasks Claiming significance.
Day 3, writing and inserting your claims for significance, writing your journal article in 12 weeks. Days 4—5, revising your article according to feedback received.
Week 7: Analyzing Your Evidence Instruction Analyzing evidence. Types of evidence: textual; qualitative; quantitative; and experimental. Your tasks Revising your evidence. Day 2, highlighting and analyzing your evidence. Day 3, analyzing the quality, relevance, and placement of your evidence.
Day 4, analyzing your interpretation of your evidence. Day 5, collecting additional evidence. Week 8: Presenting Your Evidence Instruction Presenting evidence in SciQua articles, in HumInt articles, and in illustrations; obtaining image or text permissions. Your tasks Revising your presentation of evidence.
Days 2—4, revising your presentation of evidence. Day 5, checking your presentation of evidence by section. Week 9: Strengthening Your Structure Instruction On the importance of structure. Types of journal writing your journal article in 12 weeks macrostructures: SciQua; HumInt; disciplinary; and synaptic macrostructure. Types of pre- and postdraft outlining. Your tasks Revising your structure.
Day 3, making a postdraft outline of your article. Days 4—5, restructuring your article.
Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks A Guide to Academic Publishing Success
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· Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks is the only reference to combine expert guidance with a step-by-step workbook. Each week, readers learn a feature of strong articles and work on revising theirs accordingly. Every day is mapped out, taking the guesswork and worry out of writing. There are tasks, templates, and reminders/5(49) My writing workbook Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success () requires you to write information and answers in various boxes and forms in the book. If you want to preserve your book without marks, however, you can use the pdf forms below (currently, only full-page forms are posted below; none of the partial-page boxes are posted although I list them Wendy Laura Belcher's "Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success" is a revolutionary approach to enabling academic authors to overcome their anxieties and produce the publications that are essential to succeeding in their fields/10(51)
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