What is a Problem/Solution Paper? A Problem/Solution paper requires you to investigate a problem, examine alternative solutions, and. You’ll first describe the problem and persuade your reader that the problem needs to be addressed. Then, explain a possible solution(s) and provide support to show why the solution is a good blogger.com Size: KB A typical problem solution essay example is river pollution or youth gang problems. Include a description of a problem with statistical data or references. As a rule, a solution is offered with due analysis. All problems and solutions examples must include strong argumentation and references · You start your problem solution essay with a captivating introduction that presents the problem (or the situation). Then, you write three body paragraphs, each discussing a single solution. You wrap everything up with a strong conclusion that reiterates the
50 Interesting Problem Solution Essay Topics
Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She problem solution essay outline example in helping people write essays faster and easier. Start by thinking about things that bother you or problems that you find irritating. If you've thought, "I know how this could be done better! Step 1 : Think about groups that you belong to and problems that those groups have, problem solution essay outline example.
Make a list of groups you belong to like:. Step 2: Make a list of problems you have encountered in some of these groups. Sometimes, there is a plan for a solution but it isn't working, or maybe the plan isn't being enforced, problem solution essay outline example. The problem doesn't have to be a big one, but it has to be something you can convince other people needs to be and can be solved, or at least made better.
Step 3: Still stuck? You might want to check out my list of Problem Solution Essay topics to find an idea hint: this article also includes sample essays.
Step 4: Once you have your topic, you might want to go through the exercises in my problem solution guide to get ready to write. Use the table below to get ideas for what types of solutions might already have been tried and which ones might work better to solve your problem. Provide a way to enforce or else provide more resources like more police or money for regulators to enforce existing rules or laws.
More buildings or a new organization is needed because nothing currently existing will solve problem. In the introduction, you need to describe the problem and explain why it needs to be solved and then give your thesis solution.
At the end of your introduction, you can ask your thesis question and then give your solution idea as the thesis statement. Here are some tips:. Your conclusion will be one or more paragraphs. For an excellent ending, you want to clinch your argument and convince your reader that your solution is the best. Here are some effective ideas:. Tone: Tone is important in this sort of paper.
You want to have a tone that is reasonable, convincing, appealing, and logical. However, first person or third is also appropriate. Audience : Considering the reaction of your reader is very important in writing this paper. You need to address a reader who can implement your proposal, problem solution essay outline example. To build an effective argument or proposal, you need to find common ground with your audience.
Here are some questions that can help you define your audience for your position paper and also find out what common ground you have with them:. Start Up Stock CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Argument essays often lead to position or problem solution papers, since once someone agrees with your argument, they often want to know, "What should we do about it? Both argument and problem-solution essays:. Problem Solution Essays Give a Detailed Plan : What makes a problem-solution paper different is that it gives a detailed plan for how the problem needs to be solved and argues for a specific action.
The body argues for your solution and explains:. Answer: After describing the problem, it usually helps to talk about what has already been done to try to solve that problem and why that has not worked. Then you can begin your suggestion by using a transition phrase. Since the previous solutions have been ineffective, a more comprehensive approach needs to be taken Answer: Start by giving a vivid description of the problem.
You can tell a story about the problem or give a scenario, or tell your real-life experience with the problem. Then end the paragraph with the question about how to solve that problem. Question: How should I start my essay on the problem in my community?
I'm a college student. Answer: The best way to start a problem solution essay is to give a vivid description of the problem, explaining who it hurts and why. Answer: You start with a vivid description of the problem. That can be by telling a conversation about the problem, describing the history of the problem, problem solution essay outline example, telling a story about the problem or just using vivid examples.
Question: I am a high school student, and I chose to write an essay about insecurities, problem solution essay outline example.
However, now I feel the topic is too broad. Should I stick with it? Answer: You are very astute to realize that your topic isn't narrow enough. That problem happens a lot to students. Instead of changing topics, you probably will do better to take the subject you started with and narrow it to a particular group of people or a situation. Here are some ideas of problem solution topics on insecurities:.
Answer: Finding a solution is always the hardest part of this sort of essay. I suggest that you follow a three-pronged approach:. Research the problem and solutions that others have tried. One trick problem solution essay outline example students taught me is that you often can find a solution that has been tried in a different location and adapt that to your situation.
For example, when we had problems with people biking on campus and causing accidents, my students problem solution essay outline example a nearby campus and found a solution that had been done there.
Look at my "Ways to Solve Problems Chart" on the "How to write a problem solution essay. Think about each type of solution and how that could create a solution for your problem. For example, what could you add to the situation? What could you take away? Would changing leadership help? Could money solve the problem, and if so, how could you get the funds? Finally, when you have some solution ideas, check problem solution essay outline example see if they are feasible can you do them?
Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a problem solution essay? Answer: A problem problem solution essay outline example essay is a type of argument essay. In fact, solving a problem is the last step in thinking about any issue and is often the most important and complicated step. The advantage of choosing this sort of essay is that you get a chance to explain in detail how you think a problem can be solved. In an essay that argues for a cause, you can talk about problem solution essay outline example created the problem and then discuss some possible solutions at the end of the essay, problem solution essay outline example, but in a Problem Solution essay, you get to spend a lot of time talking about the details of the solution and arguing for why that solution is the best, most efficient, and most feasible.
On the other hand, the disadvantage of a Problem Solution essay is that the reader may have a lot of objections to your solution and you need to think about how you are going to refute those objections. Question: What kinds of problem solution essay topics could you do about people who live in the countryside?
Answer: Think about the problems that they might have that are different from people in the city. Perhaps you can focus on getting jobs, family relationships, education, or access to health care.
Question: I have to write a "problem solution essay", and I am conflicted on what the topic should be. Do you have any suggestions? Answer: The hardest part of writing a problem solution essay is finding a solution. Often, my students start with one solution idea. Then as they begin to write and collaborate on ideas with others, they will change their topics accordingly. In reality, problem solution essays are a way of writing out what we are always doing in our lives and work: trying to find a better way to do something.
Because these essays are harder to write, it helps if you really care about the topic. That is why I have my students start by listing things that really annoy them or problems they feel need a solution. Generally, I suggest they stick to something they personally experience. I tell them to think about all of the groups they belong to at school, home, and in their communities and then write a list of all the problems they notice in those groups, problem solution essay outline example.
Generally, once they have written that list, they start to see something they are most interested in solving. The best topic to choose is one that has these characteristics:. How do you do one? Answer: I'm so glad you are helping your child as they learn to write. Teachers have different ways of helping children develop a topic. Drawing a web and drawing a diagram are two different ways. These are also sometimes called "storyboards.
You may have learned to outline or jot down problem solution essay outline example, which are similar ways to do this. I'd always suggest that you read the teacher's instructions and ask your child what they remember about the directions first.
However, if you still aren't sure, problem solution essay outline example, here is how I would interpret that instruction:.
Write the topic idea in the middle of a piece of paper. I usually tell my students to frame this as a question. By the way, expository is usually an argument essay and one kind of argument essay is a problem solution.
For example: How can we solve the problem of students being absent too often from school? Draw a problem solution essay outline example around that question and then draw lines out from the circle looking like you are starting a spider web. Each of the lines should be an answer to the question. Example: make them go into detention, call the parents, give them incentives for having good attendance, give them a chance to not take the finals if they have good attendance, etc.
Example Essay for a Problem/ Solution Essay
, time: 17:12Free Problem Solution Essays Examples. Best Topics, Titles GradesFixer

· You start your problem solution essay with a captivating introduction that presents the problem (or the situation). Then, you write three body paragraphs, each discussing a single solution. You wrap everything up with a strong conclusion that reiterates the · Problem Solution Essay Outline - Step-by-Step Writing Instructions Before we move to the problem solution essay outline, mind several necessary steps to take. Creating an outline is a crucial step, but you should also follow other recommended preparatory stages that were implemented in the academic writing process years ago from now/10() · Keep in mind that writing an essay is a time-consuming process, which can become more effective if you look at a problem solution essay sample. The most reasonable solution is to ask your teacher to provide a good sample that meets all teacher’s requirements
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